Sunday, March 20, 2011

Approaching Storm

I mean an actual storm.

News from this web site:
1. Poster News: I'm sending a new print order out, so delivery on posters will be delayed. You will get one eventually, and they're free, so chill out.

2. New readers, please send your thoughts in the comments or email me. I'm interested in what you like, dislike, or would like to see in this space.

In my current, never-ending painting project I'm still trying to get a grip on painting water. This is easily the hardest part of the composition for me, and I must nail it. I've made progress over the last seven months, but I'm not quite over the goal line. 

I've looked at water in every way I can think of, from painting it in a cup to copying sections of Old Masters. I've studied it from land, boats and airplanes. 

Right now I'm looking at video loops I shot last summer. Water's surface being complex and moving every second, a photograph doesn't capture the effect I'm after. Therefore, I watch and watch the moving water, and wait for enlightenment. The technique I end up with might not be conscious, but something that seeped into my bones through endless observation. 


Christina said...

I would love a copy of your Ocean Beach Poster, I live in Ocean Beach and this would be fantastic to display in my home. But the email address provided "" is invald. Are you @yahoo or @aol or maybe


John Paul Turnage said...

Hi Christina,
Strange the email didn't work! Would you try again for me? I'm writing it spread out, so webcrawlers are less likely to spam me. The address is artist [at sign] If that fails again, use jpturnage2 [at sign]

San Juan de Sabinas said...

hi, your pics are beautiful.
dont give up, you can finish your proyect. I would to receive a "ocean beach" poster.

what i need to receive it?

my e mail:

tank u

John Paul Turnage said...

Hi San Juan. To get one, just email your mailing address to artist at